GeoSpec East Africa Regional Database
Rapidly assess the geology of East Africa with seismic and well data
This regional well and seismic database associated with a suite of value-added products allows exploration teams to rapidly assess the geology of East Africa. Reprocessed and independently quality-controlled, this workstation-ready data can be delivered in Kingdom or Petrel formats.

East Africa Database Highlights
- Enhanced seismic and well data (Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, East African Lakes)
- Well tie seismic lines, regional lines and key surveys have been sourced and selected for reprocessing
- Data reprocessed from field tapes using modern techniques (PSTM, angle stacks, velocity data, NMO corrected gathers)
- Digital well logs in LAS and petrophysical logs (formation description logs)
- Well and seismic montages for key wells including exploration history, well results and other time-saving information for exploration teams
- Well failure analysis
East Africa Well and Seismic Montages
Our well and seismic montages provide a concise overview of past exploration efforts to help focus future exploration. Multiple data types are combined into one easy-to-use package with digital data ready to load into a variety of software suites. Well and seismic montages are supported by base well data, giving insights into petroleum prospectivity not found in public domain data and also enable assessment of drilled play concepts and analysis of well failure on a basin-size scale to identify missed opportunities.

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