Foz do Amazonas Basin
Explore the equatorial margin with multi-client seismic datasets
Reduce risk and reveal new prospects in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. Viridien’s seismic datasets from the Foz do Amazonas Basin provide ideal images for exploration target depths and offer an excellent opportunity to understand the region’s geological potential.
Products and processing highlights
- Deliverables include a TTI Kirchhoff PSDM plus an optional high-resolution shallow hazard PSTM and gravity and magnetic data for FDA 3D

Located at the French Guiana border, the Mini-Foz survey covers approximately 750 square kilometers in water depths ranging from 57 to 120 meters. This BroadSeis™ dataset was processed using a specialized workflow to overcome challenges such as shallow water multiples, complex shallow structures and carbonate reefs. The Mini-Foz survey provides an AVO-compliant, high-resolution, detailed seismic product for structural and stratigraphic interpretation.

This large-scale 11,300 km2 BroadSeis survey covers multiple blocks in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, with water depths ranging from 100 to 3,200 meters. Providing very high resolution and amplitude preserved seismic for exploration of hydrocarbons in the area, the FDA 3D survey focuses on the thin turbidite reservoirs stratigraphically trapped against the shelf slope. Enhanced resolution allows detection of channels, stratigraphic traps and a fault network.

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